
How do I have to prepare for a measurement?

For comparable measurement results, similar measurement conditions must always be present. Bioimpedance analysis (BIA) is a sensitive measurement method. If you take one measurement before a lavish lunch and another immediately after, the results will not give an accurate representation. So, it is important to note the following points for accurate and comparable measurements.

  • If possible, always measure yourself at the same time of day (e.g. in the morning before breakfast or a few hours after).
  • Initially measure your height and be sure to consistently use that measurement from here forward.
  • The time of measurement should be before a meal or a few hours afterwards.
  • Do not drink large quantities of liquid before the measurement. Alcohol should be avoided 12 hours before the measurement.
  • Empty your bladder before the measurement.
  • Measure yourself before exercising, when you are rested. Do not measure during an exercise or immediately following under any circumstances. Likewise, no intensive exercise should have taken place the day prior.
  • Menstrual cycles should be taken into account when choosing the measurement time. During or shortly before menstruation, water retention can occur, which affects the measurement results.
  • Illnesses and medications can also affect the measurement.

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Chino, CA 91710

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