Educational Resources

Welcome to seca’s Educational Resource Hub, your gateway to learning about how body composition analysis can help you optimize your practice! Explore our range of educational resources, featuring engaging webinars and podcasts. Delve into industry insights, expert discussions, and valuable knowledge tailored to enhance your understanding of body composition. Join us on a journey of discovery where education meets innovation!


Webinars: Dr. Nina Crowley, Director of Clinical Education and Partnerships, invites health care professionals to collaborate on educational webinars on topics such as: the Psychology of Eating, Body Composition and Anti-Obesity Medications, Aging and Obesity’s impact on Muscle Health, and Weight Management Programs in Veterans.


Podcasts: ‘In the Know with Nina’ is your go-to podcast about body composition and beyond! Dr. Nina Crowley, Registered Dietitian and Health Psychologist, hosts a biweekly podcast where she engages experts in discussions about health, weight, and body composition and keeps you in the know with cutting edge updates ensuring you stay informed and empowered!

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Health Uncensored with Dr. Drew

Check out our segment on Health Uncensored with Dr. Drew where our CEO, Robert Vogel, and Dr. Angela Fitch, CMO of knownwell, discuss the breakthroughs in health tech. They highlight our advanced smart scale technology for precise body composition analysis, crucial in managing obesity, diabetes, and heart disease effectively.

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Ep. 32 | Heartfelt and Mindful: A Conversation about Obesity with a Cardiologist and a Behavioral Dietitian

Dr. Nina Crowley and interventional cardiologist Dr. Arasi Maran engage in a co-hosted podcast for “Reboot with Dr. Arasi Maran” and “In the Know with Nina” about a behavioral approach to obesity, the role of body composition over BMI in obesity care, and the impact of anti-obesity medications for cardiologists and the growing need for education and comprehensive, interdisciplinary care teams in managing obesity together. The conversation highlights the importance of evidence-based practice, emphasizing the patient values and provider experience in addition to the best available evidence, as well as the growing need for better guidelines and education in the field of obesity medicine for all healthcare providers. Check out Dr. Arasi Maran’s website and listen to her podcast, ‘Reboot with Dr. Arasi Maran’

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