
Ask Your Provider to Offer Body Composition Analysis

Take control of your health journey!

We’ve crafted a simple letter to help you request a valuable tool—body composition analysis—from your healthcare provider. Body composition analysis goes beyond traditional scales and BMI to give you a more complete picture of your health, including details about muscle mass, fat distribution, and visceral fat, which can be vital to managing your care effectively.

What You Can Do:

  1. Fill out the form and you will receive an email with a sample letter and links to a patient advocacy group educational resources
  2. Download the letter, copy and paste the content, and customize it with your information.
  3. Send it to your healthcare provider to start a conversation about incorporating this advanced technology into your care plan

Make your voice heard and empower your provider to offer body composition analysis in their office!

seca north america

Medical Measuring Systems and Scales since 1840

13601 Benson Avenue
Chino, CA 91710

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